The Full Story
Marco Cioffi is an ambitious entrepreneur focused on the Tech. sector, Consumer goods, and Lifestyle sector. He is dedicated to make a significant impact in those industries and in the communities where he lives.

Forging a Diamond through Pressure
Marco Cioffi was born in Naples and his Family is from the Amalfi Coast. He lost his father at very young age and had to take care of his family by himself. He learn programming at the age of 10 and by the age of 15 he was making websites to bring his family out of poverty. In few years he was able to afford an house for his mother. He wanted to study at university, however, did not know how to afford the fees.

"I have to thank to the Italian Education system because it gave me a chance. I remember that with 50 dollars I took a train trying to get admitted at the Politecnico of Milan. They thought I was crazy and I remember I stand for 2 days in front of the Rector office just to talk with him. When he heard my story he said I could wait in the classes to listen and learn. Few months later I got a full scholarship based on merits and I was able to work as teacher assistant to support my family"

Awards: Take Every Opportunity
Once admitted, Marco had to pay the school fees. Everyone said it was impossible but there was a way. If he was able to obtain the maximum scores at university he will obtain a full scholarship. He took the challenge and graduated in Computer Engineering with maximum scores at University of Bologna (Cesena's site) and at Politecnico of Milan.
He received special awards and scholarships based on merit from:
Corriere Della Sera
Alta Scuola Politecnica
Collegio di Milano
Premio Ruffini
He was also the only student in his university to have a journal publication in the exclusive "Journal of Artificial Intelligence".
Embrace Pain, it makes us Stronger
"I have failed many times. There was time where I failed an exam and I almost lost my scholarship. It was painful for my body and for the people around me to go through hell to pass this last exam. I felt great pain in failure. But I keep repeating myself - do not cheat, do not like the easy road. I like to live a life of penitence but of great significance and love."

The MIT: simplicity
Marco asked himself simple questions. What is the best engineering school in the world? They told him MIT. He took a plane and armed with courage started to talk with professors there. He was able to spend time working on Artificial Intelligence with Professor Mark Klein and Professor Carlo Ratti. His work was published on international publications such as Nature.
He was also featured on the Boston Globe for his work done for the first WiFi geo-localization service in the world. Marco believes that the biggest power that we have is "intentionality" to ask simple questions that shape our life.

Bain & Company: Adapting to Changes
After being at MIT, the consulting industry was booming. Marco joined Bain&Company and worked in their Private Equity, Tech., Telco and Family owned group practice. He worked in Italy, Middle-East, Australia and South-East Asia. He was one of the co-founder of the Indonesia office and he received the Results Challenge Award for the most successful consulting case in Indonesia.
The most significant results while at Bain&Company were:
22,2 millions visitors while supporting the Expo 2015 project
Turnaround of an Indonesian conglomerate from - US$2M to +US$5M EBITDA through Operational Excellence
Cash Release projects saving US$30M through inventory, A/P and A/R for an Indonesian conglomerate

IPO: Digital Infrastructure
After Bain&Company Marco spent time building the Digital Infrastructure of Indonesia. He worked to build one of the largest datacenter company in Indonesia.
Marco had the intuition to use Artificial Intelligence to achieve Operational Excellence. The most significant results were:
US$7Bn IPO on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
World's Top Gaining IPO Award in 2021 by Bloomberg
Frost & Sullivan Best Practice award
W.Media Best Data Center award
"I had great mentors that thought me how to be a good leader and how to treat other people. I have learned the value of honesty and the value of having a big hearth. I have learned to prioritize other people rather than myself"
The Next Wave: Artificial Intelligence
After the IPO Marco founded several companies in the Electrical Construction, Internet of Thing, Cyber-Security, Artificial Intelligence, Consumer Goods.

"I think that the most massive value creation ahead of us will be driven by artificial intelligence implementation. It will generate tectonic profit shifts that will redefine specific industries"

Biotech, Consumer and Lifestyle
Due to the growing Consumer in Indonesia Marco made several investments in the Consumer Goods sector tapping into a large and growing population.
"I think that the largest value creation revolution ahead of us will be driven by artificial intelligence implementation. It will generate large and massive profit shifts that will redefine specific industries"
South of Italy
The next challenge that Marco will be focusing on will be the development of the South of Italy. An amazing region that witness the development of civilization. Marco will be developing the entrepreneurs and the Real Estate sector in the region.

Love for
Marco is married with Shelvie and with the grace of God they are committed to serve as role model for all our employees. Showing that through the strength of a family and with a kind hearth full of love, one can go through any adversity in life.